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How will the toy swap work?

– Bring a bag of toys and drop them off with a volunteer to sort.
– Toys for all ages are welcome, including books!
– Fill your bag with new toys to take home with you and check back out with a volunteer so we can track many toys have been swapped.
– Feel free to hang out for as long as you’d like! Children welcome, of course!
– Any toys left over will be donated to a charity shop or saved for future swaps.
What are the rules?

– Please only bring one bag of toys to swap. (Think reusable shopping bag size.)
– Toys must be clean, in good quality, and in working condition. We will return any items we do not deem suitable to swap.
– Toys must carry the “CE” logo
– No electrical items, but battery operated is fine
– No food (such as formula), safety items (car seats, slings, etc), or clothing will be accepted