Jelly Mae MoringSustainability expert. Climate Justice and Warm This Winter campaigner.
Rowan RyrieCo-Founder of Parents for Future UK, Global and of the Climate Parent Fellowship. Int. Human Rights and Environmental lawyer. Climate campaigner and movement organiser.
Susan O'LearySenior Lecturer in Participatory Democracy. Climate justice campaigner.
Lucie BrownMovement building lead. Human rights and climate justice campaigner. Community resilience expert.
Charlotte HowellClimate justice and fossil fuel campaigner. Organiser and climate communications expert. Nature advocate.
Raeeka YassaieClimate and social Justice campaigner. Poet and social media expert.
Alcia LoachDistrict Councillor. Sustainable homes expert.
Helen ForesterClimate justice campaigner. Accessible nature advocate and writer.
Sophie WilliamsHealthcare professional in the NHS. Climate justice campaigner and organisational development expert.