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Welcome back to Series 2 of  ‘Mum, Will the Planet Die Before I Do?’ the podcast about parenting in a climate crisis.

Journalists Katy Glassborow and Babita Sharma met 25 years ago and remain firm friends, sharing each other’s highs and lows. They spent their careers investigating news stories, including climate change, but when they both became mums the climate headlines left them in a state of fear.  How do you parent in a climate emergency?

In the first series our fact-finding mission raised many questions from leading global thinkers and youth activists demanding change. Now we are looking for the answers. 

In this series Babita and Katy chat to extraordinary people doing extraordinary things and we ask them why and how they are tackling the crisis.

Join us every Thursday for stark truths, honest conversation and advice from our brilliant guests on how we can reimagine our roles as parents and make a difference.

Get in touch #mumwilltheplanetdie